Our Manifesto

Being totally comfortable through the uncomfortable.

The age of the experimental artist has drawn its curtain on practical family homes. What we need the most of today is logical and practical architects who can work in understanding of many facets to design (please only facets and not faucets) and with that information seek to become better versions of themselves before setting out to save the world!

Architecture is for the bold, driven and yet empathetic professional who seeks to engage with the world as we know it on many different levels. Physical, Ethereal and Spiritual:

  • Physical: In understanding the relationship of a building to the occupants and the relationship of a building to the environment;
  • Ethereal: The definition of spaces through light;
  • Spiritual: Seeking a refuge of safety in knowing the unseen, the sense of comfort and the creation of 'home'.

The world is currently in the midst of many junctures and the effects of these on the lives of humans is incredible. Incredibly powerful, yet incredibly humbling. It is in the power of being totally comfortable through the uncomfortable that the best solutions are derived.

What is the uncomfortable?

Let's think about it this way: You wake up in the morning, fresh, early and ready to start. There are a number of things going through your mind; firstly you notice a few letters you need to attend to. You go and make breakfast, starting first with a delightful coffee. The handle on the coffee machine has worn out which makes it harder to use. You proceed, knowing you eventually need to order a replacement.

You look outside, it is a lovely, blue sky day. The flowers are blooming and there is plenty to delight on when looking outside. You leave your letters and coffee machine, distracted by the lovely day and seek comfort away from the issues inside.

Once outside, you notice the ladder against the wall, ready for you to climb and paint the windows. Yet another reminder of your seemingly mediocre life, oh and the weeds! Where do we start? (it's best to start at the weeds, right?)

Hear me out here. The inner work is the best work you can do to prepare for your cozy, comfortable home.

Let's take a step back for a bit... (we're right here to catch you as we know this can be hard).

When we talk about inner work, this is that voice speaking to you, your own voice, your inner child wanting to be heard and seen. The "I must call Mum." voice, the "What kind of idiot drives like that?" voice. The "I must tend to those letters" voice. We deal with this every day and we have a choice to ignore it or to follow-through and ask it what it really wants. This is our gift to you. Our service is architecture and our gift is our process.

Over the last decade or so, something which has become really apparent is the ease of fixing inner issues with external solutions. Knowing that there is just too much STUFF in the home is not going to be fixed with more storage... (that's where good old Kennards comes in, temporarily, of course). Fixing inner issues with external solutions is not longer a cost-effective solution and we must change in order to be in a better tomorrow.

So let's say last night you went to sleep with a clear mind. Take a moment with me for a moment and try and start to think of what you would have gone to sleep with a clear mind. Was it the sense of a happy family? Was it knowing that you can pay for your bills? Was it understanding that you must be in some kind of living heaven because your support network is fantastic?

In any case, it is on you (and us) to make it so that you have done the right thing with your home when considering how to improve it for the future. That future which can seem seemingly daunting and exciting at the same time.

Let's go back to the Letters, the Coffee Machine and the Ladder (sorry it's not quite as famous a The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe)

Those letters. Let's send them out. That Coffee Machine. Let's make a phone call and order a replacement part. That Ladder. Let's make a plan to repair Those Windows. This is a great start! ... and now there is momentum to keep working inwards. Here's what we understand about inner-work and architecture:

  1. You know what you want to create,
  2. You know how you want to live,
  3. You know how you want to interact with others,
  4. You know how you want to interact with nature,
  5. You know what you want to keep and
  6. You know what you want to remove.

When you send those letters out, you are no longer depriving the recipient of the knowledge that is theirs. When you order a replacement part for the coffee machine, you know it is on the way and no longer need to tell people about the annoying things in your kitchen (rather, you can marvel at the awesome friendship you have with someone or the amazing relationship you are in). When you start to plan to repair those windows, you have something set in place for which you work towards. This is the magic power of your own purpose.

Why is this stuff so hard?

Our take on the difficulty of working inwards is the idea that this work targets vulnerability and forces us to show up and keep going. This stuff is so hard because we start to really understand what is sustainable (hint: it's not any more building than it is any more an understanding of lifestyle). It's hard because you need to be responsible and answerable to past ideas and methods. Architecture is hard. Building a home is hard. Heck, life is hard! However with the right guidance, the process of design becomes relatively easy.

What is ideal?

Ideally, all our projects are renovations using as much of the existing home as possible. We have a problem with consumption, generally, in the Western World and we seek to want more for less. When the money bubble starts to exceed the limits at which it can work, other things are sacrificed; the environment, human relationships, quality food and rest.

In terms of size, we've designed various. Our preference is to limit the amount of floor area per person to a 9m² bedroom, 16m² master bedroom and 22.5m² per inhabitant (ideally including the bedroom, through there may be a buffer of the bedroom required at this stage). The homes in Australia are a ridiculous size (average 216m²) and the best place to make a difference is in the design process. The metrics above come from the idea that in Switzerland 22.5m² per person is considered luxury. We are architects who design humble buildings. 22.5m² per person is also used as a metric for emergency accommodation.

Our next ideal is that you are interested in understanding more about the cost of your home to the Earth. There is a balance in everything and for us to be able to work freely with you on this understanding would mean the world to us.

What's Next?

If you like what you read above, then there is a fair chance that you will like the way we work and understand design from a practical and 'life' point of view. We work with you on your design and want to be able to have a two-way conversation with you throughout the entire design process. This is the way we add our sparkle and investigate what is best for you and your future home.

Doing the inner work as a client and an architect first and foremost is going to lead to the better solution in the long run.

Our ideal client is looking for ways to improve their existing home. We want to work with people who want to heal homes rather than demolish them. This is our way of designing towards a better future. If this sounds like you, please shoot us a message and tell us about your project.

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©2025 Guided Architecture